Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I've called you for this hour. And placed in you My power (Succes is in your hands Fred Hammond)

Well I have not been very active in my blogging of late. Unfortunately my life is not very exciting. I go to work and talk on the phone for 6 hours then I come home completely and take a nap because for some reason sitting for so long makes me tired. So I start at UVU this fall!!!! I know this is suppose to be exciting but i am mostly freaked out. This will be a very different experience for me. I am not an idiot by any means but i am not very academic and whats worse is that though i will be 29 in 2 months i have no idea what i wanna be when i grow up!! Whats a lass to do? I think i need to spend a lot of time with my patriarchal blessing and maybe i will see something in it in a new way. I do like my job even though it is frustrating to not have your success in your hands. For my friends who don't know i am an education consultant that means i help people who are interested in going to school get into school. The thing is so many people fill out things online saying that they want to go to school when they are just trying to win different sweepstakes so i talk to a lot of people who are not interested in going to school so my success at my job depends more on them than on me. But i trust if i am faithful the Lord will bless me according to His own will and pleasure. I know He will do exceedingly above all i can ask think or imagine!